+ Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 23:23:00
OOO1337777 , COQ , 鸡算计 , mathematics , 数学 - tactical 1 - 战术的 1

+ Friday, April 12, 2019, 23:06:00
OOO1337777 , COQ , 鸡算计 , mathematics , 数学 - tactical 2 - 战术的 2

Alt+↑/↓ – move through proof; Alt+→ or Alt+⏎ – go to cursor.
Alt+hover executed sentences to watch intermediate steps.
Hover identifiers in goals to view their types. Alt+hover to view definitions.
Company-coq addon is enabled: it will auto-complete names of tactics and lemmas from the standard library, and also show types of lemmas in the right pane.

“Alt +↑/↓” : 通过证明。 “Alt +→”或“Alt +⏎” : 转到光标。
“Alt +”悬停执行句子以观察中间步骤。
将目标中的标识符悬停在其中以查看其类型。 “Alt +”悬停以查看定义。